Rhi Rhi's dress looks like the Layla k. Couture 'Carmella' dress from '05! FAB!

B Rocked it in a Robot Costume

More Awards for J Hudd!

Kelly Performed and it Would Have Been Fly If She Could Project Her Voice.. She Can Never Be 'B'

Diana's Seeds

50's Amusing Performance

You know was NOT really IMPRESSED with the BET Awards this year! Before I start I NEED too say that, that damn 50, Ooops I forgot "he" asked that "I" call "him" Curtis.....He LOOKED SO DAMN............................................................Ya'll already know! You like the suite I picked out?lol "lashes"
Ok so YOU guys have too admit that JH Looked a HAUTE MESS! Nothing she had on was cute! That white dress showed every burger-n-fry topped with a shake! She had a "muffin top" in that damn dress! She was very much so all into loosing weight and looking like that "star"....when she first came out, so did she give up?! "Lashes"
She did give up....but did you REALLY have to say "burger and fry? lol!
My friend owns a teen magazine and she had a heart attack when she heard 50 singing.."You ain't gotta take ya panties offf..just move'em to the side...." on national TV
Jennifer looks like Effey! Is she going to star in Dream Girls 2 ( What ever happened to Effey) LOL.... AT
i'm still confused as to how Jennifer Hudson could receive an award for best new artist and she doesn't even have a cd out yet????..lol
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